# Copyright (C) 2016 Todd Pataky
from math import sqrt,log
import numpy as np
from . import _mvbase, _spm
eps = np.finfo(float).eps #smallest float, used to avoid divide-by-zero errors
def manova1_single_node(Y, GROUP):
### assemble counts:
u = np.unique(GROUP)
nGroups = u.size
nResponses = Y.shape[0]
nComponents = Y.shape[1]
### create design matrix:
X = np.zeros((nResponses, nGroups))
ind0 = 0
for i,uu in enumerate(u):
n = (GROUP==uu).sum()
X[ind0:ind0+n, i] = 1
ind0 += n
### SS for original design:
Y,X = np.matrix(Y), np.matrix(X)
b = np.linalg.pinv(X)*Y
R = Y - X*b
R = R.T*R
### SS for reduced design:
X0 = np.matrix( np.ones(Y.shape[0]) ).T
b0 = np.linalg.pinv(X0)*Y
R0 = Y - X0*b0
R0 = R0.T*R0
### Wilk's lambda:
lam = np.linalg.det(R) / (np.linalg.det(R0) + eps)
### test statistic:
N,p,k = float(nResponses), float(nComponents), float(nGroups)
x2 = -((N-1) - 0.5*(p+k)) * log(lam)
df = p*(k-1)
# return lam, x2, df
return x2
# def manova1(Y, GROUP):
# nNodes = Y.shape[1]
# X2 = np.array([manova1_single_node(Y[:,i,:], GROUP) for i in range(nNodes)])
# R = _mvbase._get_residuals_manova1(Y, GROUP)
# fwhm = _mvbase._fwhm(R)
# resels = _mvbase._resel_counts(R, fwhm)
# df = Y.shape[2]*( np.unique(GROUP).size -1 )
# return _spm.SPM_X2(X2, (1,df), fwhm, resels, None, None, R)
def _manova1_single_node_efficient(Y, GROUP, X, Xi, X0, X0i, nGroups):
### SS for original design:
Y = np.matrix(Y)
b = Xi*Y
R = Y - X*b
R = R.T*R
### SS for reduced design:
b0 = X0i*Y
R0 = Y - X0*b0
R0 = R0.T*R0
### Wilk's lambda:
lam = np.linalg.det(R) / (np.linalg.det(R0) + eps)
### test statistic:
(N,p),k = Y.shape, float(nGroups)
x2 = -((N-1) - 0.5*(p+k)) * log(lam)
return x2
[docs]def manova1(Y, A, equal_var=True, roi=None):
Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA.
- *Y* --- (J x Q x I) numpy array
- *A* --- (J x 1) vector of integer labels for Factor A
- *equal_var* --- If *True*, equal group variance will be assumed
- X2 : An **spm1d._spm.SPM_X2** instance
- Non-sphericity correction not implemented. Equal variance must be assumed by setting "equal_var=True".
if equal_var is not True:
raise( UserWarning('Non-sphericity correction not implemented. To continue you must assume equal variance and set "equal_var=True".') )
u = np.unique(A)
nGroups = u.size
nResponses = Y.shape[0]
### create design matrix:
X = np.zeros((nResponses, nGroups))
ind0 = 0
for i,uu in enumerate(u):
X[A==uu, i] = 1
X = np.matrix(X)
Xi = np.linalg.pinv(X)
### reduced design:
X0 = np.matrix( np.ones(Y.shape[0]) ).T
X0i = np.linalg.pinv(X0)
### compute test statistic:
if Y.ndim==2:
nComponents = Y.shape[1]
X2 = _manova1_single_node_efficient(Y, A, X, Xi, X0, X0i, nGroups)
df = nComponents*( nGroups-1 )
return _spm.SPM0D_X2(X2, (1,df))
nNodes = Y.shape[1]
nComponents = Y.shape[2]
X2 = np.array([_manova1_single_node_efficient(Y[:,i,:], A, X, Xi, X0, X0i, nGroups) for i in range(nNodes)])
X2 = X2 if roi is None else np.ma.masked_array(X2, np.logical_not(roi))
R = _mvbase._get_residuals_manova1(Y, A)
fwhm = _mvbase._fwhm(R)
resels = _mvbase._resel_counts(R, fwhm, roi=roi)
df = nComponents*( nGroups-1 )
return _spm.SPM_X2(X2, (1,df), fwhm, resels, None, None, R, roi=roi)